From the depths of Ohiodawa: What smells Nasty???

Sunday, June 12, 2005

What smells Nasty???

nat and the shoseAfter leaving Zach’s we had to get gas and empty our nasty cooler of warm ham and cheese. Jill told me the car stunk so she bought a Pine air freshener. She took off the plastic cover thingy so it was really strong. Nat new nothing about this. A little while down the road Nat said “what smells hideous?” Jill and I play like we don’t have a clue. Nat thought that it was her foot powder stuff so she started putting her feet out the window then her shoes. We just let her think that. We went shopping for 5 hours, when we came back the car reeked of Pine. Nat was totally clueless and was wondering why we were laughing at her. It was so funny!! We did finally let her in on the joke.


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